Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Niargra Falls of PPC Up Ahead...


I was pretty shocked to login to my Adwords account and to see some startling numbers.

Before I show you I need to back up a bit and give you some background...

Some of you may recall the recent Internet marketing event of Carlos and Lupe Garcia's Traffic Tactics live seminar. Some of you may have even watched the live video stream of the first hour of that seminar.

Well, in that live video feed they showed (a repeat of) the absolutely HUGE traffic numbers they were getting via banner ads, co-reg, affiliate networks, etc.

We're not talking thousands. We're not even talking millions. We're talking BILLIONS...

... per month!

They even mentioned how search engines - i.e. SEO and PPC basically suck. And yes, in light of the information they revealed I couldn't agree more.

But I have some interesting numbers of my own.

Here, take a look:

Now get this...

I actually paused most of the 'offending' campaigns at around 12 pm earlier today. So this number would have probably reached 3 million impressions by midnight tonight (where the numbers will tick over/reset).

Now let's say we took this number and timesed it by 30.

What numbers do we get?

Here's what:

9 billion impressions per month.

Yep, that's billion with a 'b' people.

So the next stage is to figure out how to exploit these numbers. That, my furry friends, is what I plan on doing next.

As Naruto would say: "Believe it!"

Get ready, the Niagra Falls of PPC is Coming!
Thte PPC Assassin.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Some Recent Campaign Stats

I won't be supplying the results from the experiments I said I'd be carrying out because I decided to go in another direction for the time being...

Here are the results of some recent campaigns:

This first one is what I'm calling a "three of a kind" (4-4-4):

This next one is a 50-50:

And I thought I might run this one by you....

Who's The Greatest?
Muhammad Ali might have been the greatest in his time but I think there may be a new sheriff in town...
*Yours Truly*
What do you say?

Careful not to drool all over the keyboard.
You know who.