Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How To Get 1 Cent Clicks On Adwords

One cent clicks are considered by many to be the Holy Grail of Google Adwords.

When I first learnt that 1 cent clicks were possible I set out to find the secret to getting them. Of course I turned to the only place one should go - Google.

Here's what I found out...

Most people were just as clueless as I was and didn't know how to get them so they just resorted mostly to speculation. It was absolutely frustrating.

So I just put aside my need to know for a while and then it happened; I discovered the secret - and you are about to as well.

So What Was the "Secret"?

One word: Testing.

WAIT! What's that sound?

Is that the sound of your heart sinking?

What? You thought tghe secret was going to be some esoteric mystery unearthed from some deep Egyptian tomb?

Admittedly, it is a bit of an anti-climax. However it's the fundamentals that are the KEY to success. NOT necessarily complex theories.

Speaking of theories...

Testing is the great truth serum of theories. And can eithe blst them out of the water and into the Great Hall of Shame or bbring to critical acclaim.

Through the process of testing my Adwords ads I've managed to get many of my bids down to 3 cents so far. And I do have some 1 cent clicks so you could say I'm pretty stoked about that.

Oh, and did mention the ROAS? (Return-On-Ad-Spend)

OMG! 1 cent clicks are definitely worth fighting for.

Let me put it this way:

If I'm getting 20000 visitors to my site which is selling a $50 product on the frontend. And of these visitors 400 buy the $50 product. (That's assuming a 2% conversion rate).

This brings in 400 x $50 = $20,000 in revenue for the month.

Now, let's say I'm paying 20 cents per click for each of those visitors: 20000 x 20 cents = $4000.

$20000 - $4000 = $16,000 profit.

Now if I had 1 cent clicks let's take another look at these numbers:

$20000 - $200 = $19800 profit.

That's a $3800 difference.

If you want me on your team (and not on your competitors') you know what to do.

I've got your back,
The PPC Assassin.