Sunday, July 29, 2007

Give People What They Want or Else...

Okay, so today I'm going to talk more on relevance and the practical consequences of failing to adhere to it's strict guidelines.

I thought I'd try an experiment to see if people looking for one thing would actually buy something related and get FREE what they after in the first place as a 'bonus'.

The result?

A resounding failure.

Why? Well, I believe it's pretty simple - but I can only theorize and give it my best educated guess.

The original thing they were after is relatively cheap anyway but I was offering it to them free... but there was a catch: They had to spend more money to by this other thing in order to get what they were after free.

Now in this particular industry they don't necessarily need to purchase the extra 'thing' because they may not necessarily need it. So the offer may not have been very compelling at all.

Conclusion: I don't have a solid conclusion yet but I think I'll try and come at them from another angle and then see if they bite.

If they don't then I think it's safe - VERY safe - to say that semi-targeted offers will NOT convert. And if in the long run they may make a few 'token' conversions then sure, why not? But on the whole it's just not a good idea.

So this points - early at this point as it may be - to the necessity of targeting - no matter the keyword type - your offer...

Whether it's an offer for free and valuable content (e-courses, free membership website, free video tutorials, or cheaper-better-faster-stronger offers. No matter the situation give people what they want - BETTER than anyone else and you'll SUCCEED.

So, with that in mind I'm going to run a few more experiments and tweak each offer and then report back to you with the results.

In an upcoming installment I want to go over running experiments for your own campaigns so that you can learn and continually increase your 'hands-on', real-world knowledge and skill. This is the most valuable knowledge by far and away.

Book knowledge is good but street-knowledge, learn-as-you-go (I call it the LAYG Process) knowledge is superior.

But in the next installment I want to talk more on conversions and my experiences and experiments.

Until then this is your captain speaking,
The PPC Assassin.